奄美について深めよう!! about Amami!!!



(English below ▼)









高校卒業後は大分へと移動し 初めて

感じたのが 奄美の 認知度の低さでした。


鹿児島では 感じなかった 奄美の"認知度"の低さ

についてですが、APUに入学して 国際生をも相手に話すようになり、、



「どこ出身?」 と聞かれ

奄美大島」と答えても 誰も




出身地を聞かれる度、私は 鹿児島と沖縄の間ぐらいにある島で、と説明をし、携帯で地図を見せ 写真を見せ… ということをしてきました。


そのため 今回は 奄美大島について 少し深く

説明したいと思います !!!そして

このブログ読めば だいたい 奄美について

わかる!と感じてもらえるように していきたいです😀

(しかしながら、私自身 まだまだ奄美について知っていかないといけないし 知識/情報不足の面もあると思います! その時はばんばん新しいこと教えてください!)


まず 位置する場所としては、


日本地図を眺めた時に 鹿児島県本土があり、その下に連なる 島々の中に奄美大島があります! 


奄美大島の総人口は 約6万人!!サイズ的には約700㎢、、沖縄より小さいぐらいの島になってます!


奄美大島を中心と考えた時に 約900km圏内に

入ってくる国としては、上海や韓国、台湾などがあり  実は! 北海道へ行くよりも 隣国へ飛んだ方が近いんです 💭

( ちなみに大阪から奄美の距離感が約900km! )



最近では国立公園への指定され、また 世界自然遺産登録を目指し取り組んでるなど 

結構キテる島です 🌺🔥











実は 奄美は戦後8年間 アメリカの統治下にありました …


と、そんな感じで また次回読んでください 😀








Hello once again, dear readers!


As I mentioned in my first blog, I am from Amami Ōshima. Today I would like to expand on that and tell you all more about Amami !!


But first, a little about myself: For high school, I decided to attend a high school in Kagoshima. So I lived in Amami Ōshima from the time I was born, until I graduated middle school—in total 15 years.

After graduating high school, I moved to Oita prefecture. The very first thing I noticed was how little people knew about Amami.


In Kagoshima I had never felt that before. In Kagoshima people still knew of Amami. But when I enrolled in my school in Oita, APU, almost no one knew about Amami Ōshima.


Even when talking to other Japanese people, whenever they would ask,

“where are you from?”

I would reply,

“Amami Ōshima.”


But no one ever actually knew where that was. They would usually just say something like,

“Oh, I’ve never heard of it before.”


So whenever someone asks me about it, I usually just explain that I’m from a small island in between Okinawa and Kagoshima. I also usually try to show them where it is on a map and some photos of the island.



So in order to fix that lack of understanding, today I’d like to explain in a little more detail about Amami! I’d like for you to feel like you basically know Amami after reading this blog 😀 (However, I myself find that there are still things I don’t know about Amami! So if there is anything you know about Amami and would like to share, please tell me!)



First of all, as I mentioned before, Amami is located in Kagoshima prefecture. If you look at a map of Japan, Kagoshima prefecture is located at the southern tip of Kyushu.  

Below that, lies a chain of islands. This is where we find Amami Ōshima!




Now for a few statistics about Amami: Amami has a population of around 60,000 people. With a land mass of around 700㎢, it’s just a little smaller than Okinawa.


From Amami, there are many nearby countries. For example, Shanghai, Korea and Taiwan are all within 900km! Actually, it’s a shorter flight from Amami to these countries than it is to fly to Hokkaido.

(Btw it’s about 900km from Amami to Ōsaka!)


Recently, Amami Ōshima was designed as a Japanese nation park! They even are working to get it acknowledged as a world nature heritage site.

Finally getting acknowledged for its beauty 🔥🌺


Additionally, Japan recently celebrated the end of WW2 (8/15).

This bears a special importance to the people of Amami, as for 8 years they were under American occupation and rule. It reminds me of a story from when my grandfather was a kid.....






but for now this I where I’ll end it. I’d like to continue that story next time