夢 my dream

(English below▼)

やっとお話しますが 、、!!


実は なぜ


たくさん書いているかというと …



そして 島にたくさんの人を呼び込みたいという



その為に、 島で 様々な国の学生たちが







いつか一緒に 機関を作りたい!と思ってくれる人や 更に そこを経由して奄美に来てみたいと思う人を 増やして行けたらいいなと思っています💭


これを読んで 少しでも興味を持ったら


ぜひ一緒に活動して行きたいです ☀️


初めて大勢の人の前で 自分の本当に



apuという 国際色豊かな大学に来て



せっかくの希少価値である "奄美出身"な私が



考え直した時に やはり軸となっているのが

"世界へ奄美を発信する" でした 🔥


絶対 夢を叶えて いつかもっとたくさんの人が

訪れる場所へ 変えていきたいので

どうかどうか よろしくお願いします




And now, finally, I’m gonna talk about the reason why I want people to know about Amami!

Actually, I want to show Amami to the world and invite people to come and see it 🥺

That’s why I’d like to eventually create something like a homestay program for students from around the world to come and experience Amami.

So, through this blog I hope I can bring attention to Amami and build up some interest. I’d love it if any of you all would help join in creating the program along with me, or even just participating would be awesome.

So if any of you all are interested please let me know! It be fantastic if we could work on it together. 😃

Even though this is my first time to really speak about my dream, it’s really importantly me. You may ask, “why do I want to do this?” And honestly, it’s because even though I go to an international school, so few people know about Amami.

People from Amami are quite rare, so being from Amami myself, I wonder, “what can I do about that?”
“Why did I come to APU in the first place?”
I think the best thing is just to present my home for all you to see.

One day I hope that dream can be a reality and that Amami can become a place that people from around the world come to visit.